got back from Hawaii last night, late. It was an absolutely perfect
vacation. I took lots of pictures, Sam and I got along great, he
treated me like a queen and our sex was very good too. However,
ironically, we decided that we have a number of differences that
probably make a permanent relationship unlikely. For one, he is 3000
miles away, is a neat-nick, and very frugal with his money.
Generous, but frugal. I am much less of a neat-nick and not
particularly frugal. Plus I will have my hands full with Michael for
a while, so we agreed to be good friends, and lovers when we can, but
as much as I enjoyed my visit, and I really did, this is better.
From my point of view, I need a person who is more affectionate. He
is very affectionate in bed, but when we are out, not so much. He
got to the point where he would hold my hand, but only if I linked my
arm with his. But that's all ok. We had a fantastic time together,
and I will always be grateful for the wonderful time he showed me. I
kept a journal of the trip with the thought of including it here, but
I don't think it is really pertinent. Plus it has a number of
intimate parts that are better kept just between us.
I was gone I used the mobile app to keep in touch with the guild and
with Michael. He was very terse the entire time I was gone, and to
be honest, that made me feel a little bad. I got home at midnight
last night and sent him a message, inviting him to skype me when he
felt like it. He did almost immediately. Mary was in skype with us
too, though that's no big deal. He is very comfortable with her, and
so am I, so we were able to talk, and we did until 4 am. One of the
first things he said was that he didn't respond to me much while I
was gone because he wanted my mind on Sam, not on him. And he teased
me about asking people to keep an eye on him, lol. Well, I think he
did fine, but he also said there is some anxiety building, but he is
keeping it at bay with the excitement. He was very proud of himself
because he finally sorted through his closet, with Mary's help. She
kept him company on line and that was the big job and now it's done.
He also told me had had talked to Rolland and he is very positive.
He is hoping the three of us can get together before we have to
leave. He has another friend he says he is having a hard time
telling about leaving, but he will get it done. And he said he was
going to wait until the last minute to tell his older sister and his
aunt, because both of them have big mouths, he says, and as soon as
he does, the entire family will know. He feels that while it is
possible they may be supportive, it is more likely they will try to
change his mind and give him grief about the decision, and if he does
it right before he leaves, there will be little or no time for them
to react. It is totally his decision how he wants to handle it.
that Hawaii is over, this move is imminent. The Grand Adventure is
really about to start. Today is Thursday, and I am home today, but
tomorrow I have to go to Orange County to do some blood work and have
lunch with my sister. Saturday I am having my nails done, and need
to pack because I will be leaving about 4am on Sunday morning. There
is a long, tedious drive in front of me, but after that, the fun
begins. I'm keeping a “weather eye” on the weather as I drive
across the plains because bad weather is forecast. So Michael was
giving me tips for avoiding tornadoes, lol, like I wouldn't just go
in the opposite direction if I saw one, and/or die of fright. At the
moment, it isn't looking bad, so maybe it will be a boring trip after
all. In a way, everything I have written since the start of this
book is prologue, and once I get to MN, the real story begins.
the best laid plans some how always have a way of going awry. My car
broke down today. Looks like the alternator and it will cost $500 to
fix it. They will get it fixed tomorrow so I can leave on Sunday as
planned, but with considerably less money than I thought I would
have. Especially since Jarrod wants $1500 from me for the roof. He
will just have to take payments for that since my income is dipping
in August by $750 because my retirement incentive is done. We will
be ok, but it will be a bit tighter than I wanted, and I think food
stamps from Michael will be a big help.
picked me up from the repair shop and we talked as we drove home. He
is thinking that they might move off the hill, and even thought about
the idea of a house big enough for all of us, but unfortunately, the
“all of us” didn't include Michael. I'm hoping that he and
Michael will get along and that he doesn't want to do this right
away. Maybe by the time it becomes a reality, if it does, Michael
will be able to contribute and he and Jarrod will not be wanting to
kill each other. I really have my doubts about whether that idea of
all of us living together will work out. But I'm not going to borrow
trouble at this time.
was extremely drunk tonight in raid, same last night and more than
usual. I think he is experiencing some anxiety and trying to keep it
at bay with rum. And he knows he won't be able to drink like that
after next week. Good thing too as he is killing himself this way.
Self destruction clothed as alcohol to reduce inhibitions? I hope
not. He told me he talked to his friend Chris today and I don't
think it went really well. He says Chris needs more time to think
about this. That his only comment was “You have friends in
California?” He feels once Chris realizes he has made a firm
commitment to starting a new life that Chris will accept the
situation. Regardless, Michael remains committed, even if the
anxiety is rising.
the shit is well and truly hitting the fan right now. Michael's
anxiety level is off the chart and I am hearing about it. I have
also seen it first hand last night in raid. He was drunker than I
have ever seen him, and it was a bit scary. Mary tells me they had a
conversation that didn't end well, that he told her he is trying to
push her away and accused her of ganging up on him with her friend
Amber. Amy said he won't open up to her, but she noticed the heavier
than normal drinking and the increase in swearing and sexual
references in raid last night. I am going to try to have a talk with
him and see if I can calm him down. I want to remind him of his
reasons for wanting to make this move, and they haven't changed, but
I suspect he isn't aware of what is happening to him right now, or
maybe he is but is helpless to stop it. I don't know. In a way, it
will be the first real test of this Grand Adventure, and I'm not even
there yet. I hope that my being there will calm him, but that is
still 3 days away. I wish he would just go hang with Rolland for a
couple of days until I can get there. Rolland is a good influence on
him I think. The unlimited access to alcohol he has right now is
fueling his anxiety rather than keeping it at bay.
a very frustrating day I finally connected with Michael. He had been
beating himself up because of his meltdown, but in true Michael
fashion, he talked to all the parties involved from last night and
worked things out. It wasn't as bad as it could have been, and he
admits it just got away from him. He didn't realize his anxiety was
getting to critical mass. He thought he could keep it in check, but
he “popped” as he put it. Better now than while we are in
transit I guess. I didn't even have to remind him of his reasons, I
don't think he ever considered not going through with it. But he was
scared and it was all just too much.
don't know if I can be the safety valve for growing anxiety for him,
but if I can't I can at least help put him back together after the
fact. I think it will be easier for both of us when we are back
here. He says for the first time he can let go, and be himself
totally. I asked him if he could do that with David and he said no,
absolutely not. He says there is just too much baggage, he calls it
Catholic Guilt, and he wants to just leave it behind and start fresh.
funny, at the beginning of this year I made a conscious decision to
not be alone anymore. I started looking on dating websites, which is
how I met Sam, but it's funny that my companion turns out to be
Michael. I would never have believed that would happen. I told him
that and he understood, and said we are in this together, this isn't
about him or about me, it is about us, as a couple, a very odd couple
I'm packed and nearly ready to go. Just a last few things. I want
to go to bed early tonight so I can get up early and get on the road.
I need some rest anyway. I had a very disturbing thing happen on my
way home from Anne Marie's house. I was driving down the road and
suddenly I couldn't see straight. It was like my eyes were crossed
and I couldn't uncross them. I stopped the car, closed my eyes
several times, and each time I opened them it was still there, until
finally it was gone. It went on for several minutes and I thought I
was going to have to call for help. I'm glad I didn't. I don't know
what it was, maybe a sudden drop in blood sugar. I haven't eaten
much since I got home from Hawaii. There is hardly any food in the
house. I'll go grocery shopping when I get back.
with Michael in tow.
was a long trip, over 4 thousand miles, and not exactly what I
arrived in Minnesota and Michael and I met for the first time in
person. I had been prepared, I thought, for him, but still he was
different from what I expected. He has hair, lots and lots of hair,
everywhere. His hair on his head is long, more than half way down
his back, and somewhat wild and unkempt, and he likes to wear it long
and free. His beard covers much of his face, and my opinion is that
he uses his hair to hide behind. His hair is a brown mahogany, his
beard is ginger, and his chest is covered with a mat of black hair.
Nothing matches. He is not tall, about 5'10”, but he is a big man,
very barrel chested, and a little bit overweight, but not too bad.
He has full lips, a very straight nose, and chiseled features. His
eyes are a beautiful blue. His skin is very pale, consistent with
someone who seldom gets outside. I have no idea what he thought of
me, but the initial meeting was awkward, very awkward. And only
because he was having such anxiety over the whole thing that he could
barely function. I kept expecting him to tell me he had changed his
mind and I even asked him if he had or wanted to, but he was
determined, just completely freaked out.
before I arrived, I had a call from my surgeon's office. John, the
PA, told me I had failed my blood test, that I had a bacterial
infection in my urine, and that if it isn't cured, surgery will have
to be postponed. I think I brought home an unexpected souvenir form
Hawaii. I told him I was in MN and he said to give him the number of
a pharmacy and he would call in a prescription. I called Michael and
asked him for the number of a local pharmacy which he got for me.
After I arrived and had gotten my things in, I could see how uptight
he was so I suggested he show me the pharmacy. He had trouble
finding it, partly because he was nervous and partly because he
doesn't drive. I picked up the prescription and a bottle of wine.
After we got home I gave him a bottle of rum I had bought for David,
but to help with his anxiety, I suggested he have a drink. That
helped a lot and he settled down, but it was necessary to keep him
fairly drunk for a couple of days to get much out of him. During
those days I didn't get much sightseeing done. I made a couple of
trips to the Mall of America, but felt I needed to be close to him
when he was awake. On the final day, Friday, he still hadn't
finished his packing. The drinking became extremely heavy for both
of us. I was well and truly drunk too, and I was listening in to
raid while Michael played. During break Michael and I got a little
carried away. He and I were sitting on the floor beside each other,
and for some reason, he was wearing only his skivvies. At one point
I put my hand on his leg and he started yelling that I was trying to
touch his penis. I honestly don't remember what I said, but I have
heard about that incident since I got home. Apparently the guild
loved hearing me be something other than the goodie-goodie they think
I am. If they only knew....
raid, and after he finished talking with Mary, he and I spent several
hours talking and he was still drinking. He was very affectionate,
just like he always was, and kept looking at his closet saying “One
more drink and one more cigarette and I'll get started.” That went
on for about 3 hours. I kept him company, listening and doing a
little talking, until 4 am when he finally collapsed and we were able
to get a little sleep. I slept in his bed and he was on the floor
next to the bed. However, we only got about 3 hours because we had
to leave the next day by noon and we still had the packing to do. It
was so very sad to see him so hung over, I'm surprised he could
function at all. And of course, with the hangover comes the
depression. We were finally ready to go at noon and got started.
Leaving David was probably one of the hardest things he has ever
done. I almost cried. But he made it fast then proceeded to sleep
or try to sleep for the next six hours until we got to Kansas City
where we met Pol. That was a lovely evening, but he was still very
quiet and depressed, so I bought him a couple of drinks, not enough
to get him drunk, but enough to loosen him up. The next day he was
very quiet again until afternoon, when the hangover finally seemed to
wear off.
hangover wore off, but the depression and anxiety were still there,
in spades. We didn't speak much the entire trip back. I should have
realized what would happen, but I forgot that the drunk Michael is
not the real Michael – yet. He hates car trips, change in general,
and any talk that is deals with things more than a day away. His
quietness was his way of dealing with his freaking out, but it was
still difficult for me. That is my problem, not his. He is not only
freaking out over the move, but over the surgery that is next week.
I kinda take it for granted, but I keep forgetting his irrational
fears about it.
final leg of the trip, today, was the best in some respects. It was
fairly short, and he had the tablet I brought along to play with, to
keep him occupied. The last 20 miles were harrowing for him. We had
to go from the desert floor up to 4 thousand feet, and the only way
to get up there was by a very windy road with long drops. He held it
together, mostly. He is afraid of heights and being in cars in
treacherous (as he put it) situations. If he hadn't been so pitiful,
it would have been funny. Actually it was very funny anyway and
he told me later he was hamming it up.
finally made it home a couple of hours ago and he is in his room
sorting things out. As soon as we got home, he gave me a big hug,
the first I have received since we left. His mood was much lighter,
and he was talking a blue streak. We still have a lot ahead of us,
but this trip gave me an insight into what I am facing with him
better than anything that had gone on before. He is still the
Michael I love, but setting that other Michael free isn't going to be
easy. He doesn't want to drink. Has made that abundantly clear,
and I admire his strength of character to keep to that. He says
drink is behind him and the new life will have to be mostly without
it. So a lot of us are going to have to get used to a new Michael,
one that is more quiet, more difficult to get along with, but still,
very much worth the effort.
same day:
is amazing what a little time can do. Michael got his computer up
and running then spent a couple of hours with Mary and Amber, then
decided he wanted to spend some time with me. We were talking like
we haven't done in days, weeks. We were sitting outside, he was
having a little wine, and I a bourbon, it was so relaxed. He really
likes it here. He loves his room, and the property is quiet and
beautiful. Anne Marie came over and spent a couple of hours. They
ganged up on me about telling the doctor about the episode with my
eyes.. I didn't tell either one of them that I have been having
chest pains, because I think everything is related to stress.
Anne Marie and Michael got along very well, he and I spent a lot of
time together, I am getting hugs all the time, he is smiling and
talking. He called David and told him we had arrived and that he was
really enjoying it here. He loves Hamish. I know it could revert in
a heart beat, and no doubt will, but I will be better prepared for it
when it happens, and in the meantime, the affection and conversation
is just what I needed, so things are ok for now.
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